Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Paper Piecings... 11/.28

I have reverted back to what I know... It has been so long since I paper pieced and I discovered I kind of like it! Some scrappers make cards. I make paper piecings. Card makers send them to friends who appreciate them. I make paper piecings to sell on my paper piecing group and on eBay.

I made this one today:


I have a stack of paper piecing plans for titles and the little creatures to go with them. There is something relaxing about working on a title and pieces for someone else. :)

Paper piecing is what afforded me Christmas in the past, trips to see friends, and scrap supplies. I hope it can get me through this very lean time when my babysitting job is getting more and more sparse!!

I am willing and able to take requests for specific titles, themes, and off-eBay sales.

And, as always, I welcome your comments and suggestions!!

Dece -- dayzeedesigns (my eBay user ID)

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