Monday, March 12, 2007

No CK for me

Well it's not any big surprise that I didn't get the ck heritage/family history thing. Why it should sting, I don't know. It just would have been nice to have a focus... It's hard to see the same names chosen over and over and over again. They are wonderful people and talented, I know. I just thought I would have a chance to do something special, something that would have value to me. This is the reason I do not bother with Hall of Fame or things of that nature any more. I cannot stay "hip" or ahead of the curve in regards to trends in scrapping.

I remind myself that I scrap for me these days, not for CK or to get published. I'm so afraid that there is going to be something dramatic to happen to me in the next month that I'm going to say to myself later "I'm so glad I didn't have another worry on top..." Have you ever had that impending feeling of doom?

I'm sorry if I'm sounding down... I should get to work on the layouts that are due for contests that are due. It's Spring Break here and let me tell you, it's no vacation for me. ;-) I'd like to get Spring Cleaning done but it seems as though the kids pull things out in the guise of cleaning and it becomes clutter, spreads out, and we're back in a huge pile again.

So, hopefully next week I'll be smiling and ready for a new scrappy adventure. Anyone have an instant "pick me up"? ;-)

Happy Spring,

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