Saturday, January 20, 2007

I Scrapped!! WOW!

Yesterday afternoon when there was an hour left before the kids got out of school, I told myself I had to get scrapping. So, I scanned some wedding photos, played with the Optikverve plug-ins, and printed photos out. There's a CK call for wedding layouts, so I thought I'd give myself a chance... I also did a couple of the Elsie F challenges with this... The b&w photo, the hand-made chipboard flourishes (two are chipboard, two are cardstock because I needed more and did not feel like cutting chipboard! ;-) ) and so I feel like I had a direction to go.

I do not feel confident with the simple title, LOVE, but I'm not very good at amazing titles.

I finished the layout this morning... Do you like my updated torn flowers? I think they turned out quite nicely... A little old school tear-art with some pretty papers. :)

Now to get at least three more layouts done in the next week or so. I finished my custom paper piecings on Friday, too, so I need to work on the paper piecing side of things as well. I want to get Tony something nice for our anniversary and so that's what I'm working towards...

Anyway... YAY I scrapped! :) Now it's time to make a grocery list and make dinner!

1 comment:

bcgal00 Rae said...

Holy moly, girl...these are gorgeous (as are you)...the flowers are beautiful!