Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Three Bears

Let me tell you the story of three bear paper piecings... Three bears lived in a cottage in the woods. A Mama Bear, Papa Bear, and two "beary" cute baby bears...

No, I'm kidding. I'm not going to tell a story about these ADORABLE paper piecings I made this week! I'm just going to give the URLS for the auctions...

"WUV U" Love Valentine - (at opening bid!)

Hug and Kiss Valentine - (has BIN available!)

Love You Valentine - BRAND NEW THIS MORNING! Has BIN-

As always I'm willing and able to do custom work...Titles, paper piecings, albums, pre-made pages, let me help you! ;-)

I'm also on a mission to get some of my own layouts done. I have a great idea for a picture of my grandparents kissing in the orange groves... Do you ever have a fantastic idea for a layout and you're afraid to even START on it for fear that it will not meet your expectations? That is how I feel about this layout...
So, that's when it's important to scrap SOMETHING... Get out an inspiring photo and just go scrap crazy... I also want to get layouts done for the wedding layout call at CK. I don't know if they're doing the call for an issue or a book... Time to get out my beautiful wedding photos and let those inspire me. It's hard to believe it's been 7 years already... Where has time gone?? When I was a kid the days lasted forever... Saturday was the WORST because there was nothing to break up the monotony. There were only so many hours of cartoons in the morning and then Dad would watch old black & white westerns. YUCK! Now, Saturdays are gone in a blink as we rush around, trying to get the housecleaning done, errands, grocery shopping, and maybe, if we're lucky, a meal thrown in there somewhere...
Okay, it's time for me to get started on my day. If I get my chores done early I can use my "creative time" while kids are at school to scrap! ;-)

Thanks for looking,
Dece Gherardini - dayzeedesigns

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